Our Commitments

Abbeystowe Mission

Provide Premier Cultural Destination Events annually, from pre-history to the present, unlocking and celebrating our shared cultural stories, engaging unique and educational events that inspire the community to enhance our role as a national centre of excellence in cultural heritage tourism.

Abbeystowe Vision

Creating unique historical events to inspire awe, stimulate wonder and provide an educational and cultural environment which is fun, entertaining and sustainable.

Policies and Plans


Abbeystowe is committed to developing and improving upon it’s Sustainability Action Plan for it’s major events and activities.


Abbeystowe is actively working towards accessible tourism and venue options with assistance from professional accessiblity organisations and individuals to ensure our events provide the resources and accessible requirements where possible.


Abbeystowe is commited to inclusivity throughout all our staff, volunteers, guests and visitors and is registered with Welcome Here.


The Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology is developing a Reconciliation Action Plan with the support and guidance of Reconciliation Australia.


Thank You To Our Partners


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